Four Keys to Defining the Successful Onboarding of New Employees

With so much riding on employees’ first days, it’s no wonder that organizations are looking for templates, checklists, and steps for the onboarding process. While there isn’t a set-in-stone process that works for every organization, there are four key principles to keep in mind while developing an onboarding process or deciding how your onboarding process can be improved. Each of these keys helps your onboarding process shape the rest of the overall employee journey, from enjoyable first days to long-term productivity and engagement.

Develop Deep Connections

During the recruiting process, your organization does its best to leave a good impression with talented job candidates. A successful onboarding process helps complete that good impression, proving that your organization cares about a new hire’s long-term growth and development.

    Here are a few suggestions to help this happen:

  • Take care of paperwork virtually before the first day, so new employees can focus on the onboarding process
  • Invite the new employee to complete a questionnaire and share the results with the team to help break the ice
  • Have the manager take the employee to a free lunch with their team (where possible) instead of leaving new employees to fend for themselves
18 times

Commitment to the Organization

Employees who felt their onboarding was highly effective were 18 times more likely to feel highly committed to their organization.

91 percent to 29 percent

Connectedness at Work

91 percent of those who received effective onboarding feel strong connectedness at work, compared to only 29 percent of those who had ineffective onboarding.

89 percent to 59 percent

Culture Integration

89 percent of those who received effective onboarding felt strongly integrated into their culture, compared to 59 percent of those who received ineffective onboarding.

50 percent

Benefits Utilization

Those who received effective onboarding reported 50 percent higher benefits utilization.