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How To Write Better Job Descriptions
Best Practices, Employee Lifecycle Katrina Kibben Nov 08, 2018
Best in class is just the bottom line of what candidates expect when they're interacting with your brand. There’s a new standard of excellence among these high-demand people. They’re looking at every detail, every word, every picture. Anything that will help them figure out if this is the job for them before they even take the time to get through the application. Most of these searches start at the job ad. It’s the ultimate moment of impact. This is the moment when we can have a significant influence on a candidate that makes them not only apply but want to work with us. And in most cases, this moment is going to crash and burn because so many job ads still start out with a copy and paste from a competitor or a jumbled mess of inputs from hiring managers and teams that doesn’t quite make sense. So how are you going to improve your job ads and stand-out in a world of look-a-likes and brands that claim to be ""different?"" By getting to know the kind of person who could really succeed in that job. By writing better job ads that are written for a person, not a machine. By caring about the human on the other side enough to take the time to explain how this role could change their lives. If you want to dial into your differences and translate best-in-class into best for you when it comes to job ads, don't miss this how-to presentation focused on delivering strategies you can use now to write better job ads.
Presenter Katrina Kibben
About Katrina Kibben
Katrina Kibben believes your first impression on candidates starts at the job post. Many small businesses and companies struggle to find their recruiting voice and craft less-than-appealing job postings. As CEO of Three Ears Media and a featured expert in recruiting and HR, Katrina takes a unique, strategic approach to help companies rewrite candidate experience content, overhaul job descriptions, and attract more qualified applicants.
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