Custom Email Alerts: How They Can Save Your Life!
Life can be crazy. Sometimes in HR, you feel you’re so busy watching over the little things that you can’t get anything big done! You want to do great things, but the world keeps marching round—minutes tick by and seasons pass—and yet, it feels like you’re picking up toys behind a tireless toddler. It’s okay to admit that sometimes you need help.
One of the perks of switching from spreadsheets to HR software is custom email alerts. You can automate emails to remind administrators, managers and employees about specific things that are coming up—like benefit eligibility, license expirations and training renewals.
In some cases, email alerts can even save lives! North Eastern Services (NES) is a company that takes care of disabled people in group-home settings. They have 700 employees throughout the state of Utah. Because it is absolutely essential their employees’ training certifications for required skills like CPR and first aid are up to date, NES makes sure email alerts stay ahead of their expiration dates! NES’s employees are always ready to assist clients in any situation.
You can also get reminders about less-critical information like work anniversaries and birthdays. It’s important to stay in-the-know. You don’t want to forget employees’ special days and make them feel they’re not important. Keep the humanity in Human Resources by celebrating your people!
Of course, custom means you can tailor your alerts to any date. If you need to update each employee’s computer every two years, you set up an email alert when two years is up. You can alert an employee when you approve a time-off request. Onboarding task reminders will ensure that Pete’s computer is ready for work on the morning of his first day, thanks to the email alert sent to your IT guy. If you have a specialized request—like needing to know when required hours of flying time have been completed for each type of aircraft—you can set that up. Whatever the information your company needs to keep tabs on, you can tailor email alerts around it.
Custom email alerts help you stay organized. It’s like hiring a babysitter for the little details. Instead of lying awake at night wondering if the time of eligibility for the dental insurance passed or John in Toronto’s license expired—and did you send out a reminder to those you needed to?—you can set your mind at ease, knowing you’ll get a reminder when you need to start thinking about it.
Be sure to watch our video to learn more about BambooHR email alerts.
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